Savage-Goodner Camp 1513 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans is a non-profit organization chartered in October of 1989 and is dedicated to preserving the memory and heritage of the Confederacy and our Confederate ancestors through memorial, historical, and educational activities.
Based in Smithville, Tennessee, we are an active camp having completed several projects including the placement of military markers on the graves of Confederate soldiers, historical roadside markers for the Battle of Snow Hill and for the Wheeler School in Alexandria, the donation of several books and microfilm records to local libraries, a Confederate monument at the DeKalb County Courthouse, and a monument to General John Hunt Morgan in Alexandria. We have also published a book on the history of DeKalb County along with designing the DeKalb County flag, which is based on the Confederate first national flag.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans is the direct heir of the United Confederate Veterans, and the oldest hereditary organization for male descendants of Confederate soldiers. Organized at Richmond, Virginia in 1896, the SCV continues to serve as a historical, patriotic, and non-political organization dedicated to ensuring that a true history of the 1861-1865 period is preserved.
We, the Sons of Confederate Veterans, having been commissioned by the Confederate Veterans themselves, retain our responsibility and right to adhere to the founding principles of the United States of America remembering the bravery, defending the honor and protecting the memory of our beloved Confederate Veterans, which includes their memorials, images, symbols, monuments and grave sites for ourselves and future generations.
Membership in the Sons of Confederate Veterans is open to all male descendants of any veteran who served honorably in the Confederate armed forces. For information on joining the Savage-Goodner Camp, please contact us at .
An application for membership may be completed and printed by clicking here: SCV Membership Application.
Defend Your Heritage - The Sons of Confederate Veterans
What we do
The Sons of Confederate Veterans is a multi-faceted organization. Its members, mostly through local camps, participate in activities such as educational programs at camp meetings, marking of Confedrate soldiers' graves, living history encampments, reenactments of skirmishes and battles, educational school programs and much more.
Pictured at the top of this page is the Confederate Battle flag. It is a symbol of great strength, honor and valor to our members since it was the main flag that our ancestors fought under. It is not a symbol of hate as many claim and the SCV deplores those that misuse it for that reason.
There have been many attempts to remove flags, monuments, markers and other Confederate historical items from the public scene. The SCV will challenge these attempts in every way possible including using legal action.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans also celebrates various Confederate holidays including the birth of Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, and Stonewall Jackson. And, we celebrate Confederate Memorial Day. Our divisions and camps use different events such as banquets, memorial services and educational programs to inform the public of our Confederate heroes.
We also participate in local civic events. Many camps are members of local Chambers of Commerce and Tourism Bureaus. We provide funds for charitable organizations, food banks, children's homes, schools, and veteran's organizations. The H.L. Hunley award is given to deserving JROTC cadets across the nation to recognize future leaders for their contributions in their unit. Chosen by their peers, the award is given during the awards day presentations at their local high schools. We also have a college ROTC award.
As well as remembering his Confederate ancestor, the SCV member is obligated to being a good citizen. His birthright presents him with a unique gift. It is up to him to honor his ancestor in every way possible.
The SCV is an all volunteer organization and is made up of men from all walks of life, races, and national origins.
Contrary to popular misrepresentation of history, Southern people were leaders in education, science, math, and research. The Confederacy was about their love of liberty, freedom and the principles this country was originally founded upon.
Outmanned and undersupplied, Confederates battled against homeland invasion and set new standards for bravery, patriotism, and honor.
If you want Confederate history and symbols to remain a part of our culture, and you're the male descendent of a Confederate soldier, we invite you to join us.
Informaton above from SCV membership applicaton brochure
Forrest's Farewell Address

Civil war, such as you have just passed through naturally engenders feelings of animosity, hatred, and revenge. It is our duty to divest ourselves of all such feelings; and as far as it is in our power to do so, to cultivate friendly feelings towards those with whom we have so long contended, and heretofore so widely, but honestly, differed. Neighborhood feuds, personal animosities, and private differences should be blotted out; and, when you return home, a manly, straightforward course of conduct will secure the respect of your enemies. Whatever your responsibilities may be to Government, to society, or to individuals meet them like men.
Lieutenant General Nathan Bedford Forrest - May 9, 1865